PRE-TREATMENTThe way how products are prepared before powder coating is crucial so that they can meet your expectations. It is essential to choose a suitable and high-quality pre-treatment. Therefore we always suggest the most ideal solution for your products. METALCHEM DEXTER products ensure a high-quality pre-treatment. The first step consists in a very good degreasing followed by creating a conversion layer of ferric phosphate. The next step is rinsing in industrial water and the last step is rinsing in demineralised water and passivation. The parameters of our baths are daily inspected and adjusted to prescribed values and recorded in writing. Approximately once a week there is an inspection of our baths performed by an expert from the supplier of pre-treatment facilities. HIGH QUALITY PRE-TREATMENT IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT STEPS FOR A CORRECT FUNCTIONING AND DURABILITY OF EVERY SURFACE TREATMENT, THEREFORE WE PAY THE HIGHEST ATTENTION TO THIS STAGE. |